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See ! As there is word for other/s by name,there will be word to word for other/s. That is democracy prevailance. That means one has to be self in self as well as self in other/s. Imperial prevailance is suppression of either being self in self or self in other/s. Media objectivity should also be same. Media at present is being other/s in self which means prevailance of imperialism. MEDIA PERSONS FORGOT LONG TIME AGO THAT THEY ARE ALSO PART OF SOCIETY WHICH MEANS THAT MEDIA PERSONS WORDS SHOULD HAVE SENSIBLE WORDS BY THEIR NAME/ORGANISATION NAME. Sensibility of words means that words should have right character being right with wrong and wrong with right while being good quality being bad with bad. I DON'T FIND ANY MEDIA ORGANISATION AND ITS REPORTS WHICH HAVE RIGHT CHARACTER AND GOOD QUALITY. My point to media is that there is,has to be and will be bad in society because good can't solve bad while being bad in complexity with right character solves bad.So even though media is doing profit business,it need not kill itself by wrong character and/or ill quality. Media organisations and its reporters can maintain profitability while maintaining right character and good quality. Punyam and purushardham are natural and order of the day in their word.
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