One has to be "social positive" at first and "personal positive" at next. A word if it is sensible complex subjective will work wonders among public "towards changing people's minds into true". One should be light by APPEARING as darkness "towards making all other/s minds as lights". True medicine is in being "negative in negative to positive" of "negative in negative to negative". Then professional healers,divine people and judges vanish(can't be active) in society forever.

నకారాత్మకత లో నకారాత్మకత కు నకారాత్మకత అనగా సామాజికపరమైన సకారాత్మకత .
నకారాత్మకతలో నకారాత్మకత కు "సకారాత్మకత" అనగా వ్యక్తిగతమైన సకారాత్మకత . 
