Chaitanya Ratham Movie



   Late.Vangaveeti mohana ranga rao rise was culmination of antisocial(anarchist),imperial and immature social(knowledge) forces in indian society.

   So he was killed by same(culmination of anarchist,imperial and immature social) forces who believe in blood-letting.

   But it is almost impossible for any immature social (indian) law court to convict anyone who is culmination of anarchist,imperial and immature social forces.

   Yet needle of suspicion in this murder case as 'in m k gandhi assassination case' lies with vijayawada police because it is universally known that 'indian police since 1857 A.D.are responsible for nurturing their vested interest in crime(antisocial rowdiesm,murders and thefts) till 2015 A.D.   

   Isn't it?
