Don't worry about loss of sense(word). There is "word in word to word for word of word by word" which will be complex being real word. So by having self-discipline and social-discretion,you ALSO.can write your complex being true word "in the past continuity form of five/six blog-posts". That means if you fail to write self-subjectivity,you can double-succeed in writing social-subjectivity while writing past-continuity form of your five/six blogposts. Anyhow blogposts are meant to be subjective,objective and self/social continuity. VERY IMPORTANT ! BLOGPOSTS ARE COMPLEX BEING FOUR OR SIX POSTS IN WRITING SELF-WORD WITH SELF-DISCIPLINE FOR SOCIAL DISCRETION. O my blog critics ! Blogging is not chatter-box. Yes ! My words are being as not and not as being "towards prevailance of being as being and not as not". YES ! I AM THE SOCIAL SYSTEM against "my respected" public-adversaries(self-deceivers) who are fundamentally none other than Indian police and US govt. TO WRITE SOCIAL BLOG,YOU MUST HAVE HIGH DEGREE OF HONESTY,INTEGRITY AND FAITH IN YOUR WORK(LAW)(MIND)(PROFESSION). Then only you and your blog will be "gentleman" to solve "land-lordship(or self-deception)" of Indian police and US govt. To be successful blogger,I am revealing my secret of success. My secret of success is "being to appearing of being" which means self 'in' "appearing of appearing to appearing" which means social. In other words,my success secret in writing social blog is reading myself both from my side and other/s side. Am I right ?
