Reverse should be made reverse again. Goodness to film makers ! Goodness to film theatres box office ! Goodness to audiences tickets ! One can see concurrency in extreme-bad and extreme-good in film world towards better-good in future for rupee that is being invested by producers and spent by audiences. That means democratisation of film industry leads to freedom(duty) of their acting talent,writing talent,directing talent and producing talent from present reactionary(anarchist)(better questioning without better answering) phase.ANY BUSINESS IF NOT SELF IN SELF AND OTHER/S WILL BE GAMBLE AND FAILURE. Reactionaries(anarchists) who question better without answering better will be failures in truth(power) which is at the ultimate. TROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.........TH IS SELF IN SELF AND OTHER/S. Good word/s spoken/written by other/s should be applied on self to check whether those good word/s are right and good for self in self and other/s. Good word/s if applied by name should give results of changing other's minds accordingly. Simply copying good word/s of other/s and reproducing those good word/s will never give change of mind in other/s/group/s. You have to search your own good word/s after listening other's good sense by applying them on your self to check whether those good word/s are good word/s for you or not. That means you must have pen and paper to note your good word/s and other's good word/s. Good means consistency against adverse questions. Good means gold. Whatever inconsistent word/s against adverse questions will be criminal to self and other/s. Brokering(judging) of word/s will never be useful to self and other/s in mature society. Brokering(court judgement) will be useful only in immature society. When I hear talk about brilliance(greatness) in court judgement/s among voters or media or Indian maosits,it makes me laugh about ignorance among voters,media and Indian Maoists. Brokering(judgement) can be just for those who are unable to be litigant(lateral)-sensible in their abstract-mindset. Litigant-thinkers never believe in brokering(court judgements). If any law court in India or world pass judgement against me(KSR) and my word/s,it is criminal on part of Indian judiciary. This is my strict order to Indian law courts,media and Indian Maoists TO COMPLY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Ram janma bhoomi -Babri masjid issue also can never be judged by Indian law courts,media and Indian Maoists. Only Indian Parliament that are going to be constituted in future will judge it. Indian Parliament or state assemblies are above Indian law courts. Law court can just interpretation power of law but not law-making or law-enforcing power of law.
Democratisation of film industry from present reactionary(or anarchist) phase will be happening soon.