As self-deception or self-ignorance is "gradually" vanishing now in present mature society,then crime and ill automatically vanish. So no need of law-court system,hospitals and temple-system. Yes ! Judges,doctors and Hindu-swamijis-babas will be useless soon.
Self means sensible mindful voice.
One has to be self in self again and self in other/s.
Otherwise one will be made so by other/s later.
If you are cheating your self within,then anybody who is nonlinear,consistent and self-truthful will make you to be in yourself.
Self-deception place in society is at home against child towards his/her proper psychological growth.
But selfish-renunciators brought self-deception into society from home for their selfish ends.
So Indian national congress is born to solve self-deception which caused divisive-CASTEISM and caste-system which has played havoc with human society.
HENCE MAHATMA GANDHI addressed against CASTEISM and fought against caste-system through his inclusive-genius.
And he succeeded.
Isn't it ?
One has to be self in self again and self in other/s.
Otherwise one will be made so by other/s later.
If you are cheating your self within,then anybody who is nonlinear,consistent and self-truthful will make you to be in yourself.
Self-deception place in society is at home against child towards his/her proper psychological growth.
But selfish-renunciators brought self-deception into society from home for their selfish ends.
So Indian national congress is born to solve self-deception which caused divisive-CASTEISM and caste-system which has played havoc with human society.
HENCE MAHATMA GANDHI addressed against CASTEISM and fought against caste-system through his inclusive-genius.
And he succeeded.
Isn't it ?