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Social(knowledge) has two sets of intricacies over length and breadth of India. How can any political party other than Indian national congress which included both imperial(being antisocial to antisocial) intricacy and social intricacy aspire to rule or atleast wish to aspire all over India all the time ? Any head of political party in India must note this. Because Indian governance is liberated by m k Gandhi through liberating all(legal and social) forms of slavery as there should not be any more infidelity(ambiguity)(self-ignorance and corrupt-mind) in free-knowledge world.society. So anyone who wish to know and self-realise in politics should not be devoid of his/her work profession.Anyone who wish to know about his/her work profession should not be devoid about social(knowledge) world politics. That means one should do what he/she is saying and say what he/she is doing among people in his/her work profession to be "sensible mindful voice by his/her name". No more kidding in work profession and in politics.
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