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Indian youth should start gaining KNOWLEDGE(CONTROL) after their studies completion for 20 years TILL 45 YEARS OF AGE. Adult age starts at 45 years. Technical means mathematical knowledge(series,equations,laws and numbers). WITHOUT SOCIAL(knowledge)(control) EXPERIENCE ABOUT TECHNICALITIES FOR 20 YEARS TILL 45 YEARS OF AGE,NOBODY IS SUPPOSED TO BE ADULT. Indian vote is adult franchise. Decreasing eligibility age to vote in India from 21 yrs age to 18 yrs age is meant to make tactically Indian adults(above 45 yrs age) to pit among themselves against Indian youth. Think reverse while you are thinking "reverse of reverse". As society(control) is maturing,both introverts and extroverts among Indian youth below 18 yrs age and Indian adults above 45 yrs age are MADE TO BE IN SOCIAL(CONTROL) CONFLICT. Isn't it ?
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