If you are knowledgeable to self about other/s,you will be leader to yourself in your work and thought without questioning other/s. Questioning appears as knowledge.But only being solution to solution is true knowledge. Judges and lawyers can have authority to just give their word/s for other/s to obey. But judges and lawyers ignorance is that they can't be useful to themselves towards making other/s to be good to their other/s. Being lawful is criminal in present mature society. One has to learn to be lawful to lawful only in presence of other. Words have sense in its sense which has duty to make self as self and other/s as other/s among their all other/s. A work is defined as work only if it can give work to other/s for their other/s. Swamijis,lawyers and judges have become social burden as they are not doing any sense in their work. Simply telling what is right is not right. One has to be right in his work while telling what is right.Otherwise listeners question tellers right to tell good sense. These swamijis,judges and lawyers are characterless persons who can't be bad with bad while being good. A true-knowledgeable person can be knowledgeable to self while appearing ignorant to appearing-ignorants and appearing-knowledgeables.
జ్ఞానికి సరిపడినంత ఓర్పు మరియు విచక్షణ కూడిన ఆలోచన రెండూ అవసరము .