But appeasement and pampering of social minorities which has been perpetrated by general public and their political leaders should not be tolerated anymore.Because Indian.society suffers in its economic betterment by blackmailing of minority people voters and their political leaders. True equality is in better socio-economics which is to keep low as low in its low and high as high in its high. Mere physical equality can't be true-power.But physical equality applied by socio-psychological equality(peace) can make true -equality. Economists should start working socio-psychological being physical equality among all(6000) social sections. In my view,auditing community and economists community are callous against social justice which is personalised justice and being subjective in its objectivity. So auditors,economists,Indian police and security agencies need work in co-ordination among themselves against black money,hundi and subscribing-other-without-earning-self which are caused by wild imagination and excessive thinking without any mind application in society. If Z plus exists,A plus should prevail among all. That is the goal of Z plus category. A plus thing in human society should make a minus thing to self-eliminate itself as per human mind calculation. It is comedy to see both security and insecurity co-exist. It is comedy to see both healing and illness co-exist. It is comedy to see court justice and social injustice co-exist. I am saying this because world has proliferated itself with.vast variety of arms among world nations. Any weapon should make ambiguity as ambiguity to itself ultimately. All Indian top brass must read this and circulate among their knowledge arenas for social morality.

Yes! Indian Supreme Court Chief Justice spoke brilliantly about intolerance growing in society.
Yes! Indian judicial system exists to allay fears among diverse religions and diverse social sections "regarding social equality(peaceful co-existence)".
