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See how Imran khan is not in hurry to lead Pakistan. I "reiterate" that success in political(voice) power(truth) is not reaching goal of power at the end "but permanently staying in goal of political(voice) power(truth) which is at the ultimate "through making both path(process of being self in self and other/s) and goal(truth) as same to same". In that way, a politcal leader makes self and other/s as successful in mature society. Mere election victory and becoming head of govt is not goal of politician. Because politics is subject of world "but not a subject of nation" as politics relate socio-economic betterment of all world people. If one country people are poor,then it is threat to all other rich countries. Poverty anywhere in world is threat to prosperity any where in world. Human goal is consistency against adverse questions among all world people. Any head of govt is to communicate with all other heads of govt towards consistency against adverse questions among all world people. THAT IS WHY IMRAN KHAN IS MAINTAINING "PROCESS OF BEING SELF IN SELF AND OTHER/S" AMONG ALL WORLD COUNTRIES FOR SUCCESS IN POLITICAL POWER OF PAKISTAN. Pl.note that all world people are same. But all world people need be social being personal "and not personal being social" . CLEAR HI !
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