CONTROL whether minimum or maximum IS ESSENTIAL AS BOTH “SOME IN SOME” AND “SOME IN ALL” to solve BOTH “ALL IN ALL” AND “ALL IN SOME”. Only by holding some,you can solve one and all “among social four”. My point is that one should learn to accept deception for respect “towards making truth as realised truth” in self. SO YOUR MIND MUST BE MADE “NONLINEAR” even though you are born as linear minded in nonlinear system. THAT MEANS WHEN YOU APPLY(WRITE) YOUR SENTENCE(statement / question / explanation which is composed of noun,verb,pronoun and adjective) (for ex.I SAY YOU SO) ON YOUR NOTEPAD,ITS MEANING CHANGES FOR OTHER/S OR “OTHER/S OF OTHER/S” BECAUSE BOTH MINDS OF OTHER/S AND “OTHER/S TO THEIR OTHER/S” ARE NOT,HAVE NOT TO BE AND WILL NOT BE SAME TO SAME. My point is that even though you said right and good like “I SAY YOU SO”,different meanings arose for different(say many or 10) other/s. So you must be “other/s to their other/s” in self while writing(applying) other/s. IN SAME WAY, when you read out what is written on hand to yourself by me(or other/s of their other/s),then it’s meaning changes from read out sentence “I SAY YOU SO”. So one must learn to apply mind on his readings(hearings) and writings(applications) TWICE so that one can learn true sense in it. That means one must learn to differentiate “bad of good” OVER other three options like “good of bad” or “just good”or “just bad”. Only negativity of positivity will work as true sense OVER “positivity of negativity” or “just positivity” or “just negativity”. That means ravanasura which is “positivity of negativity” or “just positivity” or “just negativity”falls short of sense previalance at the ultimate. System is unity, But system opposition(adversity) like late.ntr will fall short of sense because of appearance which means“deception of deception to deception” is unable to succeed OVER quality “which means deception in ‘deception to truth’ “. Roopa-Pradhana samjam which is Ravana Asura must get eliminated by Guna-Pradhana samajam which is rama(sense) Rajya.

