Mimicry art and its artistes are duplicates( of politcal leaders and film stars) who need be ENCOURAGED by cinematography dept of govt as is being done by news media in case of caricaturists(cartoonists). As there is straightness,there must be cross and curve to it so that both straightness and cross-cum-curve will be mutually made strong in social (fourth order) three dimensions, So is the case of caricaturists(cartoonists) and mimicry-mime.artistes.BUT cartoonists (caricaturists) and mimicry -mime artistes should not be anti-.establishment MIND being pro-establishment thought. Rather they should be pro-establishment MIND being anti-establishment thought so that both they and their public audiences will be useful to themselves as much as to their other/s. In other words,they must change into self-knowledge from their social-knowledge which is useless to either self or social AND "self-.ignorance which is useful to either self or social". Pl.note that self-knolwedge is "believers in litigancy" who have peaceful,glorified and honest human life on earth and eternity. Whereas social-knowledgeables and self-ignorants are "believers in law" who have violent,ignonimous and rotten-minded death in human life either on earth and eternity, This point must be kept in mind by those who are practising law and medicine because they are propagators of "believers in law" in stead of "propagators of respect in law by belief in knowledge". TREAT MIND THAN BODY because mind controls body. Avoid believing in law and medicine by believing in knowledge (which seeks self) and food (which includes drug). Any fasting
