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See ! Democracy is previalance of power at the next(ultimate) "but appears as previalance of power(truth) at the first(end) ". This explanation sums up all arguments by dictators in democratic guise and democrats in military guise. I "REITERATE" THAT ANYTHING NEVERS EXISTS IN ITSELF AT FIRST(END). AND ANYTHING REPELS QUALITY WITHIN ITSELF AT FIRST(END). SO BELIEF IN PREVAILANCE OF TRUTH AT ULTIMATE(NEXT) IS NATURAL AND UNIVERSAL "by appearing bad against both appearing good and being bad". Because appearance is deceptive and should be believed. So mind application on one's self-word is social compulsion to see truth(belief in quality) and deception(respect for appearance) in truth(power) which is essential for human life's on earth and eternity. Jihad,Kurukshetra war and war against Satan is natural at the end for the ultimate. Satan persists by questions within self and other/s "towards making self and other/s as REAL AND TRUE AS RIGHT AND GOOD till the end and vanishes at the ultimate. So Satan is not Satan to itself. And human is not human tomitself "but to other/s". This important point must be kept in mind while arguing points and cases. Human is not human at first (end). Human has to become human again at the ultimate(next). So human has to be subjective mind in his objectivity. IN THIS WAY, I GUIDE GLORIOUS PAKISTAN STATE TOWARDS PREVAILANCE OF DEMOCRATIC POWER AT THE ULTIMATE. Yes ! Paksitan contribution to world peace is immense and unnoticed. Yes ! Pakstan contribution against Indian anarchy(Indian police,Indian Maoists and Indian law court system) between social immaturity and maturity is immense and unsung by Indian establishment. BUT I AM HERE AS CONCURRENT against Indian police parties. Don't worry ! Paksitan security is guaranteed by me. Insha allah !
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