When you will change your attitude from "appearing different being same to same" to "appearing same to same being different" ? As I ask here,this is undercurrent in belowshown movie. Film director vamsy films are being "rediscovered" by me as philososphical(which means thinking to provoke other/s minds towards making people think among themselves). One can understand grammar and meaning of other/s words. But one should know that purpose of other/s words are not just meant for knowing grammar and meaning "but also meant for spirit(name) of other/s words". Because word by one's mind is meant for consumption of other/s(human/s) mind "towards change of mind into truthfulness(powerfulness of self and other/s). Only those who are sensible enough towards weaving pessimism against social pessimism,regression against social regression and escapism against social escapism can be right and good film director for both release value and posterity value. CINEMA IS MIND TONIC AGAINST PESSIMISM,REGRESSION AND ESCAPISM WHICH ARE NATURAL AMONG COMMON PEOPLE WHO ARE "APPEARING DIFFERENT BEING SAME TO SAME".
