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We have our voice.And we have our mindful sense(heart)(hands). So either our voice(terms) should work wonders for other/s mindful sense(hands).Or our mindful sense(heart) should work wonders for other/s voice(currency). But what and why is there any need for both our voice and our mindful sense(hands) for other/s mindful sense(heart)(hands) and/or voice(currency). IT IS NONSENSE THAT BOTH OUR ARGUMENT AND OUR JUDGEMENT. SHOULD PREVAIL FOR OTHER/S. Only personally-ill character who are being bad with good and good with bad "to prevail as good with good and bad with bad" will indulge in both argument and judgement about themselves. SELF-TRUMPETING AND EGO ARE DIFFERENT FROM SELF-CONFIDENCE AND SELF-ESTEEM if mind is applied to see same mind again. When there is infidelity,pig-mindedness and personal-collusiveness among public and their elected govt,same will be complexed and made subjective naturally to solve them. Why pessimism,regression and escapism among youth and adults in world ?
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