If text-books are not having guide-books(explanations)(directions)(rulers)(instructors to instructors), those who read and understand text-books will just be "academic-brilliant" by scoring "most" marks among class of 40.But purpose of sitting in classroom and studying text-books will be lost by 90% students of class of 40. I will tell you ! Folks ! Purpose of sitting classroom,reading text-books and aiming for exam marks is to be and MAKE SOCIETY AND SELF AS BRILLIANT. So to be social brilliants,90% students have "to optimise "their knowledge between 35% to 66% marks to prevail as social brilliants in mathematical stream which is law,biochemical stream which is medicine and literary stream which is knowledge. O indian maoists ! O indian reactionaries ! O indian anarchists ! You have got so much social work which needs to be cut and done by you only "towards making society as morally rich". Maoists,reactionaries(rowdies) and anarchists(factionists) wishing to PRACTISE POWER POLITICS is,has to be and will be SELF-DECEPTION. Examiner has to make subject(students) as "fearful about society and his mind" BY DISCIPLINING MIND FOR MAKING SELF (which is invisible within) AS POWERFUL(truthful)". My point : How can we at indian national congress (who are maoists-reactionaries-anarchists-rowdies-factionists TO maoists-reactionaries-anarchists-rowdies-factionists) do cleanse education system who is rootcause of social evils(being extremists,being rotten-mindeset mafia andy being rowdies) ? O characterless maoists ! reactionaries ! anarchists ! rowdies ! factionists ! How can we at AICC and CWC do "business of law" among people which is not our work ? Our (INC) work is knowledge -by-law work. KNOWLEDGE IS LAW EXCHANGE. KNOWLEDGE IS THREE-DIMENSIONAL which is next to LAW-MAKING which is two-dimensional face-to-face. LAW IS EXCHANGE OF WORDS(SENSE). LAW APPEARS AS KNOWLEDGE BUT IS NOT BEING SO. LAW IS FORCE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. KNOWLEDGE IS MAKING OTHER/S AS CONSISTENT AGAINST ADVERSE QUESTIONS. Knowledge is something which you will get as much as you are giving. Law(mind) is something which you need exchange with other/s. Knowledge is hand and mind. Law is just mind. Knowledge is currency which makes name and face(self) as true to hand. Law is currency which makes name and face(self) as true to mind(feeling).
మావోయిజం అనగా పాఠ్య గ్రంధములు తయారు చేయుట .