See ! Mr. Subramaniam swamy MP ! Poltics and law can never be dealt "simultaneously". Because Politcs destiny is love,equality and unity in diversity whereas law destiny is revenge(which is IMMATURE love),inequality and "diversity in unity". If you want to succeed in political career,you must not be "petitioner" in law court against your political opponents. Being petitioner in both Politcal battle and legal battle will be "untenable and criminal" because Politcs are moral battle by law 'whereas law is just moral battle'. Poltics are "social being personal" which means "2*2=4 by 2*2=1". Law is "personal being social" which means just "2*2=4". Politcs is double-edged weapon which can be used for both climbing ladders and killing serpents" in "vaikuntapaali". Whereas law is single-edge weapon which can't be used to climb ladders. Those litigant-thinkers and mediocre-thinkers who believe in "law court" must ponder this to apply their mind for good of public "by believing in politics through respecting law and law courts". Am I wrong ?
