Think better. Or else one will be made to think better by other/s at next. If any moral(consistent against adverse questions)-minded people like Indian national congressmen are asked to deliver their verdict on "ex.iraqi president" Saddam hussein trial in US-backed court and subsequent execution,they will definitely uphold Saddam Hussein point raised in law court that "as president of Iraq,he has right to do summary trial on prisoners of Dujial if his authority is felt threatened". In civilised human history,dictators like Adolf hitler and Saddam hussein need be dealt with inclusive-mindset to prevent anarchy. This point need be learnt by imperial USA. Society is neither sphere nor cube. Society is trepezoidal cube. So imperial-minded govt like USA is different from imperial-minded US president but appear as same. STATE IS BEING BUT NOT SAYING. If this definition about department of state is understood by USA,then world will definitely "include dictators" at first to divide and allow dictators self-eliminate by themselves at next(ultimate). Because democracy is not anarchy and dictator prevaialnce on either side of trial but being "imperial to imperial" which is possible only by inclusive-mindset.
