Sankarabharanam means serpent-mindedness. Serpent-mind which is tamas(antisocial)(ignorance) gives "personally-right character which means being right with wrong and wrong with right" to gods(social reactionaries). Sankarabharanam, story revolves around Sankara sastry who is personally-right character which means being right with "wrong manju bhargavi " and wrong with "right western music" at first to prevail right with right and wrong with wrong at next. Sankarabharanam teaches to have personally-right character. Or else one will be made to have personally-right character by other/s sooner or later. That is the moral of sankarabharanam(Indian classical music)(appearing-as-inconsistent)(10% culture TO 10% culture which means inclusive-culture to prevail as true-divisive at the ultimate) which prevails at the ultimate over western music(which is just 10% culture)(which is divisive culture to prevail as inclusive culture). O divisive-thinkers ! Pl.understand that if you are inclusive-minded,you will prevail as true divisive-minded. You mediocre thinkers ! Being is different from prevailance. Truth(power) is prevailance but not being.
