Truth(Veda) is powerful than deception(ambiguity) in society. Deceiver also tells truth(Veda) for another deceiver. So any knowledgeable will not worry about truth(Veda) and its prevailance. Deceiver is one who uses public imagination. Deceiver succeeds till the end but not at the ultimate(which means the end of the end). So one has to be consistent against adverse questions.Or else one will be made so by others who are mind-disciplined. If inconsistent is unable to be consistent by mind-disciplined other,then mind-disciplined other need develop "mind-discipline of mind-discipline" till the end of part two in stead of being violent,then inconsitent against adverse questions will change his/her mind into consistent. That's all.

Veda (truth) is not saying(reciting) self.
Veda(truth) is being self by saying self.
