So any artist or scientist in his work field should not be devoid of social(knowledge). Yogis and maharajas must note. Yogi of yogi is social scientist(artist). Maharaja of maharaja is social(knowledgeable). Hence apply mind on mind. Any art and philosophy which is devoid of social(knowledge)(complexed information) will not exist as it is cheating. SO EVERYBODY DUTY IS MAKE CHEATING(appearing) AS CHEATING(character) while making being(quality) as being(quality) at the ultimate after the end of part two. Without story(script),nobody can make reality as true reality again. So appearing(script)(story) is at first and last. And being(quality) is at next and ultimate. That means even though there is one(unity),that unity(Gunam) should not be divisiveness(script)(story)(roopam).
Any science without social(mind) will not exist.
And any society(knowledge) without science will not exist.
And any society(knowledge) without science will not exist.