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Muslim means being self in other. Hindu(or Christianity) means being self in "self and other". Both are same if we expand our mind into social(subjective-mind) THAN EXPANDING OUR ARMS(senses). That is why Indian national congress is always "appearing-ignorant" towards world(India) affairs towards making world people as being self-knowledgeables in their self and other/s. Corruption is in mind which can't differentiate between reading/listening and voicing(sensing) either self or other/s than in public governance. As long as 90% citizens in world are unable to be mind-disciplined voters against voicing politics which is not their mind-discretion,so long do they are helping indirectly law and governance to stay corrupt and self-ignorant. In this universe, everything is success by passive-mind and after-thought. Pessimists must know it and become optimists-by-pessimists.
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