Innovation of society(India)(knowledge)(subjective-spirit) against either objectivity(Buorgeous) or subjectivity(revolution) brings about world-humanism world-peace(equality) and world-unity. Innovation of Indian(social) society(knowledge) makes world-conflicts between nations self-eliminate by themselves. That means a leader thus became need not solve any world conflicts on his own. That means indian intervention as world leader in world affairs(conflicts) is not at all needed and questioned "AS WAS IN THE PAST". And no nation will question Indian leadership in future. That is NON-ALIGNMENT MOVEMENT.
INNOVATION of social(knowledge)-sense(thought) is foundation stone of independent India which was laid by m k Gandhi.
INNOVATION is the futuristic thing against rudimentary thought of "present" and "past continuity".
INNOVATION is the futuristic thing against rudimentary thought of "present" and "past continuity".