Shut up you(Devineni Nehru and vangaveeti Radha) scoundrels ! YOU(Devineni Nehru and vangaveeti Radha) MUST KNOW THAT MANY WORLD UNiVERSITIES CONDUCTED COVERT SOCIO-LEGAL RESEARCHES ON KAMMA AND KAPU CASTES IN VIJAYAWADA CITY. It is found that rivalry between both Devineni Nehru and vangaveeti mohana ranga is "purely personal rowdiesm and inability to rise politically above divisive-CASTEISM". So whatever may be vijayawada city police,Devineni Nehru and vangaveeti Radha groups versions are just versions "falling within purview of truth written summarily here in previous two(socio-legal research findings) sentences to this sentence. And one more thing ! Even Devineni Nehru and vangaveeti Radhakrishna are killed now, both Kamma and kapu castes will co-exist peacefully. It is 100% sure. SO MY VERDICT IS THAT BOTH DEVINENI NEHRU AND VANGAVEETI RADHAKRISHNA ARE JUST ROWDIES AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH KAMMA AND KAPU CASTES POLITICS AND WELFARE. Both Kamma(business) and kapu(police) castes are prevailing as two sides of same coin. And one can't go on making fire "beyond fire of fire to fire by fire for fire". Both Devineni Nehru and vangaveeti Radhakrishna are coward persons who don't know much about intrigues of divisive-CASTEISM beyond five levels.
