Truth is becoming simple,sweet and moral(good) character(feeling) at last now.
Since my real childhood,I used to think and search about MORAL(good)-CHARACTER(feeling) by conflicting conflict again.
For that,my notion used to be the first/next/last word between ANY FULL-KNOWELEDGE BEING and ANY FULL-IGNORANCE APPEARANCE.
By that notion,I grew my thought-analysis-creativity which I am writing now as my social-blog(spiritual sense by social mind) TO BE SAME TO SAME.
My 14 years of forest life is AS I AM SAME-TO-SAME BEING THIEF(unaccounted-wealth holder)-TO-THIEF(unaccounted-wealth-holder);MURDERER-TO-MURDERER and ANTISOCIAL-TO-ANTISOCIAL BY BEING SOCIAL-POLICE-TO-SOCIAL-POLICE towards social-psychology within.
Nothing is outside alone.
Whatever outside is in inside self.
For that,my notion used to be the first/next/last word between ANY FULL-KNOWELEDGE BEING and ANY FULL-IGNORANCE APPEARANCE.
By that notion,I grew my thought-analysis-creativity which I am writing now as my social-blog(spiritual sense by social mind) TO BE SAME TO SAME.
My 14 years of forest life is AS I AM SAME-TO-SAME BEING THIEF(unaccounted-wealth holder)-TO-THIEF(unaccounted-wealth-holder);MURDERER-TO-MURDERER and ANTISOCIAL-TO-ANTISOCIAL BY BEING SOCIAL-POLICE-TO-SOCIAL-POLICE towards social-psychology within.
Nothing is outside alone.
Whatever outside is in inside self.