INC includes social evils to allow-eliminate social evils themselves.INC is inclusive party with its pro-establishment stance against corruption by talking other's words,authority by voice-gambling and ignorance of voter's everyday social duty.

WE at indian national congress RULED SENSIBLY between term(1947 A.D. and 1998 A.D.) before social reactionaries second grand plot in may 2004 A.D.
WE at indian national congress STARTED RULING SENSIBLY AGAIN between term(2004 A.D. and 2014 A.D).
WE at indian national congress WILL RULE IN FUTURE after 2014 A.D.general election.

Yes! Of course! By managing "socio-economic social scientists" and indian(social) culture,WE REGAINED POWER TOWARDS PRESENT KNOWLEDGE(EXHAUSTION) AGE.
Yeah! INC blends both indian and world political management with indian and world economic management as well as its right character nurture.

