Health is physical at first,psychological at next and spiritual-social at last.
I command love at first;health at next and respect at last.
I am experimentalist of plural philosophies.I GAMBLE BELOW 50% REVERSE CERTAINTY.
I am social researcher(voice-sense) of spiritual researchers.
I am for persistence of consistency over 16 levels of knowledge depth.
People command respect at first,health at next and love at last.
People are gamblers of plural philosophies.GAMBLER IS ABOVE 50% REVERSE CERTAINTY.
People are police-researchers(word-sense) of physical researchers.
People are inconsistent-indisciplined over 16 levels of knowledge depth.
I am experimentalist of plural philosophies.I GAMBLE BELOW 50% REVERSE CERTAINTY.
I am social researcher(voice-sense) of spiritual researchers.
I am for persistence of consistency over 16 levels of knowledge depth.
People command respect at first,health at next and love at last.
People are gamblers of plural philosophies.GAMBLER IS ABOVE 50% REVERSE CERTAINTY.
People are police-researchers(word-sense) of physical researchers.
People are inconsistent-indisciplined over 16 levels of knowledge depth.