See how m k gandhi weaved hindu(native)-indian(social) doctrine into body politic by being secular-religious.
Wife is 99.999% social voice being both negative and positive polarity.
Man is 0.001% social sense being positive polarity only.
Healer is 0.001% social sense being negative polarity only.
So young widow may remarry a healer if that healer is also a widower/divorcee.
But wife's destiny being 99.999% social voice is her man's glory being 0.001% social sense.
"Fine sense being discrete social"(sukshmamulo moksham) IS 99.999% social voice in 0.001% social sense.
Man is 0.001% social sense being positive polarity only.
Healer is 0.001% social sense being negative polarity only.
So young widow may remarry a healer if that healer is also a widower/divorcee.
But wife's destiny being 99.999% social voice is her man's glory being 0.001% social sense.
"Fine sense being discrete social"(sukshmamulo moksham) IS 99.999% social voice in 0.001% social sense.