Communists! You became objective thought with vested interest in name.

Hrudayam means patience.
When mumbai bomb blasts on 26/11 happened,society worried.
But remember! On next day,society is normal as usual.
What does it mean to say?
It means to say that society never get defeated.
If society got defeated by bomb blasts,then society will not be normal on very next day.
So remember! Extremists do have heart(patience).
To avoid recurrence of bomb blasts,we don't need additional security.We need law of extreme against extremism.
LAW OF EXTREME IS NOTHING BUT HEART(patience)(last 1%)(perfection only upto 0.001%).
COMMUNISM HAS VOICE(heart of heart) WITHOUT HEART(voice of voice).So communism is useless.
CONGRESS HAS VOICE WITH HEART.So congress is useful.
Communists don't know that as they are against system,they become system in dynamic world.So communists can't change system ultimately.
Congressmen are for system.So congressmen change system into true in dynamic world.
