Words are also music, Music is also words. Hand/type written is also mind, Mind is also heart(sensibility). Heart(sense) is also name, Name is also words,music,hands,mind and heart. EVERY WORD IS NAME. Word creates heat and extinguishes heat for light(energy)(power within) to be "stable in life and eternity" by making crime and ill as unstable in life and eternity". If there is no life,there is no eternity. So god comes on to earth. And if there is no eternity,there is no life on earth. So human is to,has to and will stay as human again,

Simple ! Permutations and combinations among Positivity,negativity and neutrality create words and numbers.
Words and numbers create and run human mindset.
Human mindset create sensibility.
Sensibility is creating heat among other minds and manages heat into creating sensibility among other minds.
My logic is that reality is more imaginative than imagination itself.
So anybody who is pessimist,regressive and escapist will be provoked upon,fought upon and get defeated upon on past continuous basis.
History is full of names filled with success people who are prevailing true for future.
HISTORY(human social memory) NEVER FORGIVES ANY MIND OF ANY PERSON WHO IS SELF-IGNORANT(whose words are either useful only to self or other/s)  AND SOCIAL-KNOWLEDGEABLE(whose words are neither useful to self nor other/s).
HISTORY GLORIFIES ONLY SELF-KNOWLEDGEABLES (who appear bad against appearing good and being bad)(whose words are useful as much to self as to other/s).
Bhagavadgita says that one should do jihad against being divisive minded who fail to prevail as divisive minded against EVILS(pessimism,regression and escapism)(self-ignorance,adamant-mind and rotten-mind)(psychophancy,hypocracy and favouritism).
Purpose of any acting is meant to solve acting in reality.
