Dr. JP ! Can you say whether swami Vivekananda HAD DONE what he preached for public ? Pl.note that READING (following) IS LISTENING WELL AT FIRST,TELLING WELL AT NEXT AND DOING WHAT IS TOLD BY HAND OR LEGS AT LAST. Swami Vivekananda never did what he told with his hands. So he died violent,rotten-minded and ignonimous death. Whereas m k Gandhi did what he told with his hands application on his words. Yes ! M k Gandhi did with his charkha(circular reciprocation) what he told. So m k Gandhi died peacefully as saying hey ram. TO ME,SWAMI VIVEKANANDA IS NOT HAVING "SENSE OF CONCURRENCY" in his prolonged speeches and works. To me,swami Vivekananda is BEGGAR or Indian polceman who never deserves seat of power. YES ! I DARE RAMAKRISHNA MISSION TO COUNTER ME AND PUBLIC. It is easy to say lengthy speeches "if people gave their ears to listen". But nature of social system says that when you are speaking lengthy speeches,you must allow your audiences to speak lengthy words to you. I don't think that swami Vivekananda never listened lengthy sppeches from audiences. People are not goats " but appear so for want of third party mind discretion". That sums up matter about shallowness of preachings of swami Vivekananda. Preachings are meant for universal but not for national. Gurudev Ravindranath Tagore did universal preachings as mahatma Gandhi. TRUTH CAN NEVER BURIED FOREVER BY INDIAN POLICE MINDSET WHICH LACKS HUMAN DIGNITY, GOOD QUALITY, SUBJECTIVE MIND AND LATERAL SENSE "but appear having so". Yes ! You are not supposed to believe appearance. Appearance is deceptive. And you can't believe what is not seen by your eyes. So appearance is just given its due respect.
