Rowdiesm is personalised thinking. Rowdiesm is antisocial knowledge. Rowdiesm is tamas. From rowdiesm comes knowledge(light). SO ROWDIESM IS NEITHER SIN NOR CRIME IN IMMATURE SOCIETY "but in mature society". Rowdiesm is being mindfulness. But one has to be mindful "only to mindful". You can't be and are not supposed to be mindful "to criminal". Being mindful to criminal will perpetrate crime forever. Indian police are mindful to criminals. So they are not being believed. But Indian police will prevail over all people prevailance at the ultimate. Until then they have to be "keep neutral with public".
వంగవీటి మోహన రంగారావు అనే వ్యక్తి ని రౌడీ అంటారు.
రౌడీ ని రౌడీ అనకుండా ఏమని అంటారు ?
రౌడీ ని రౌడీ అనకుండా ఏమని అంటారు ?