I am suggesting "sensible complex subjectivity" research on social-psychology topic "AIDS disease and problem of "being-democrat-to-prevail-as-imperialist J.JAYALALITHAA". Indian national congress ideology is LOVE. Wheareas its opposition who form as sense(thought)-provocaotors or devils ideology is ATTRACTIVE PLEASURE. Love is prevailance of equality. Whereas pleasure is being equality. That is the difference. If you invoke love(prevailance of equality by being/appearing inequality/war),then you will prevail as human being by becoming. If you invoke pleasure(which is being equality to prevail as inequality),you will prevail as INHUMAN (sense-provocator)(devil). But I provoke sense-provocaotrs to make all world people as sensibles(LOVING) among themselves.
ఇక అన్నీ శుభ వార్తలే .