When a political governance system has ill(crime)(inconsistency against adverse questions)(immorality),then changing system with another system will be of no use.Because that replaced system will get replaced by another system and go on forever. So system need be repaired as and where required. For example,Indian national,congress as system has become ill in its political governance.And we changed system with another political governance called BJP. Here we have to think carefully that both BJP and system can never be wrong. But either of them can be wrong. So either bjp or system has to go. That means Indian national congress with its repaired system will be staying forever. Am I right ?

మాటలు (ఆలోచనలు ) మూడు రకాలుగా ఉంటాయి .
1. అవును
2. కాదు
3. సరే .
కనుక మాటలాడటము ద్వారా సబ్జెక్ట్ అనేది నిజమైన సత్యముగా నిలుస్తుంది .
