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See ! If I am asked about Saddam hussein execution,I say America hanged a dictator. It is because one has to be self in self. But prevailance is not being just self in self. Prevailance is being self in other/s while being self in self. And truth is prevailance but not just being self in self, Self-knowledge is not law. But self-knowledge in other/s is law. That means knowledge if it is not making other/s as knowledgeable is not knowledge which is,has to be and will be useful to both self and other/s. Purpose of gaining knowledge is being self-knowlege for other/s as well as making other/s as self-knowledgeables. This double task can be performed only if self is appearing-as-insane. And if anyone who is believing in appearing-as-insane will be treated as being-insane by other/s at here ultimate. That means tweeting and blogging will be same at the ultimate as law courts will be redundant in society as society becomes knowledgeable. If society becomes knowledgeable,who is going to obey orders of law court judge who is invariably a criminal-mind which means inconsistent against adverse questions. As law courts will become untenable in knowledge society,society starts punishing law court judges for lack of propriety. Then law court judges vanish forever as introverts and extroverts do now.
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