Word is by sound.Mind is by music. So anyone who is policing others to analyse.word/s by name/s should set his goal as analysing mind/s(social-system) than analysing crime/s(law-court system). THIS IS MY EXPRESS ORDER TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE WORKING AGAINST. CRIMINAL WORLD. Every criminal has reason of his own which may not acceptable in social-system. For example, a mother and/or father are killing their children and committing suicide later. What justice can be given in that case? It is because Indian police are leaving social(self)-aspect of any case/s by simply granting justice against crime to aggrieved and ignoring spiritual(litigant)(being as not)-aspect of accused. Believing in just mind legality without social harmony is crime against society being committed by law-enforcement and judicial-system. Law-enforcement and judicial-system have to believe in social harmony or social-mind while believing in mind legality."which is subjectivity in its objectivity". Mind-legality and social-harmony are not same things but two sides of same coin. National crime records bureau people must circulate this note among public and legal fraternity immediately for their perusal.
Sound is not music.
Sound causes mind(social) disharmony.
Music causes mind(social) harmony.
Sound causes mind(social) disharmony.
Music causes mind(social) harmony.