O Nobel prize foundation ! Being wild of wild to wild by wild for wild at wild is finite(some-in-all by all-in-some). Shall I deserve Nobel peace prize from you ? Or shall I need Nobel prize for economics from you for my social research ? Or shall I be honoured with Bharat Raina which is an imperial vestige ? Anybody in world can post comment on my (this) blogpost by giving his/her name.
Historians of human life on earth in both america and india MUST need stop their useless and "wild" imagination henceforth for simple reason that 1).MAGNITUDE:Being 'zero and/or infinite' is possible only by "being some-in-all mind of some-in-all voice by some-in-all sense(name)"; 2).DIRECTION:Realising mathematical solution to any problem is possible by INCLUDING "suppose x = known quantity" at first or in the middle and ELIMINATING that "suppose x = known quantity" and 3).TIME:Any time travel into past or future is by one's mind to sense about "some (which means infinite of infinite to infinite) levels of fractionals of the smallest time measurement (say 1 second time period)".