That is why world is built with four men but not with four women. Man(moderation) should be ambitious.But woman may be ambitious or virtuous. This is my order "against gay marraiges". GAY HAS NO LEGAl SANCTION IN SOCIETY. If gays have been given social rights,society can't be progressive-minded.Men have both valour and grace.But women can only have ferociousness. FEROCIOUSNESS IS NOT,HAS NEVER BEEN AND WILL NEVER BE GRACEFUL VALOUR. Faith should never be allowed to be graceful valour. This is my strict order.
Taste is in being men(moderation) but is appearing and feeling in women(diabolism).
That is why woman(diabolical) wish to be man(moderation) "but never wish to be as woman(diabolical)".
That is why woman(diabolical) wish to be man(moderation) "but never wish to be as woman(diabolical)".