So every parent should not try to make his/her child as above his/her self. Can't every father be sensible(nameful) atleast from now to avoid making his child as above his self? Let's reform education system by including social-mind(subjectivity in its objectivity) in it. Education(public instruction) system is the rootcause of social evils(ambiguity,self-ignorance and adamant-mind). So all people in world must deal "evil-symptom(mindless words or senseless minds)" at first and "evil-rootcause(infidelity,extremism and corrupt-mind)" at next by either law of interchangeability or law of concurrency or law of approximations). This is my statement(which includes why-what-how-where) for world.
An engineer(or doctor) duty is to make all(6000) social professions in city/district/world as "engineers(doctor)" in their professions as true from appearance.