After making up mind is applying it(mind).
There is vast difference between guiding(ruling) method and teaching method.
Guiding(ruling) is being judge to judge.
Teaching is being judge between two arguments.
Being 'LOW(immoral poor)(problem) to LOW(immoral poor)(problem) of LOW(immoral poor)(problem)' in quality is ruling(guiding).
Being 'LOW(immoral poor)(problem) to LOW(immoral poor)(problem)' is teaching(instructing).
Guiding(ruling) is being judge to judge.
Teaching is being judge between two arguments.
Being 'LOW(immoral poor)(problem) to LOW(immoral poor)(problem) of LOW(immoral poor)(problem)' in quality is ruling(guiding).
Being 'LOW(immoral poor)(problem) to LOW(immoral poor)(problem)' is teaching(instructing).