Spirit(soul) by systemic(intellect)-law(profession and intellect) solves nuisance of 'panchamam(dalits)'.
If m k gandhi was alive for few more years when b r ambedkar is writing indian constitution,gandhi would have objected to words "SCs/STs/BCs" in indian constitution.
Anyhow,indian constitution need be amended atleast now to include words "explicitly whereas implicitly","mature intellect(social) whereas immature intellect" and "duty whereas freedom".
If m k gandhi was alive for few more years when b r ambedkar is writing indian constitution,gandhi would have objected to words "SCs/STs/BCs" in indian constitution.
Anyhow,indian constitution need be amended atleast now to include words "explicitly whereas implicitly","mature intellect(social) whereas immature intellect" and "duty whereas freedom".