టి. అమ్మిన వ్యక్తితో పోటీకి కాంగ్రెస్ కు భయం - Kommineni Srinivasa Rao - narendra modi,tea,stall | ap24x7news
టి. అమ్మిన వ్యక్తితో పోటీకి కాంగ్రెస్ కు భయం - Kommineni Srinivasa Rao - narendra modi,tea,stall | ap24x7news
Narendra modi is revealing his political ignorance again.
Indian people(voters) can think about difference between exigency and duty in politics ABOUT THEIR FUTURE IN NEXT 5 YEARS.
Indian voters vote for stable govt.that only congress can give.
Political exigencies in immature intellect should not be exploited for political duties in present mature intellect.
Narendra modi is revealing his political ignorance again.
Indian people(voters) can think about difference between exigency and duty in politics ABOUT THEIR FUTURE IN NEXT 5 YEARS.
Indian voters vote for stable govt.that only congress can give.
Political exigencies in immature intellect should not be exploited for political duties in present mature intellect.