Hell is avoiding talking-listening words.HEAVEN is becoming 2/3rds people who are antisystemic and unmindful of self into true.INDIAN GOVT.NEED ABOLISH BHARAT-RATNA AWARDS. BHARAT-RATNA and PADMA AWARDS WERE VESTIGES OF IMPERIAL WORLD WHICH PREVAILED IGNORANT NOW. Think beyond.
HELL:Biggest punishment in system mind is to avoid taliking-listening words of antisystemic and unmindful half-truthfuls who constitute 2/3rds people in world.
HEAVEN:If these 2/3rds half-truthful people became systemic by solving their minds into true and mindful by solving their systems into true,then all people in world will be BHARAT-RATNAS.
HEAVEN:If these 2/3rds half-truthful people became systemic by solving their minds into true and mindful by solving their systems into true,then all people in world will be BHARAT-RATNAS.