O doctors! How can anyone listen about ills again and again without any social sense by social mind?
Better sense prevailing is to say that you are not corporate CMD in world if anybody asks you what do you do?
Do you know how many crores of rupees are under account head of application fees,registration fees and security deposit?
Are we socials if we still pay application fees,registration fees and security deposit as many people are dying because of hunger everyday now?
Are we socials if school and higher-secondary classes don't follow quarterly,half-yearly and yearly plan?
Anybody can teach whole 16 academic years curriculum in just 24 hours to other.
But what's use if all 6000 professional voices are studied?
If any student studied all 6000 professional voices in city,HE WILL BE QUACK WHO IS USELESS.
So a student should select just THREE(moral,physical education and business) fields and its FOUR(alternative,inter-personal,in-depth and opposition) social subjects upto higher-secondary academic level.
Then student self-realises in social and be self-in-self after academics.
So classes must be interesting,planned and valuable everyday over 12 subjects to be one or two among 6000 professional voices.
For example,what's use if doctors and businesspersons say same words of ills and crimes WITHOUT GIVING SOLUTIONS AT SOCIAL SENSE BY SOCIAL MIND?How can anyone listen/follow same thing again and again?
Do you know how many crores of rupees are under account head of application fees,registration fees and security deposit?
Are we socials if we still pay application fees,registration fees and security deposit as many people are dying because of hunger everyday now?
Are we socials if school and higher-secondary classes don't follow quarterly,half-yearly and yearly plan?
Anybody can teach whole 16 academic years curriculum in just 24 hours to other.
But what's use if all 6000 professional voices are studied?
If any student studied all 6000 professional voices in city,HE WILL BE QUACK WHO IS USELESS.
So a student should select just THREE(moral,physical education and business) fields and its FOUR(alternative,inter-personal,in-depth and opposition) social subjects upto higher-secondary academic level.
Then student self-realises in social and be self-in-self after academics.
So classes must be interesting,planned and valuable everyday over 12 subjects to be one or two among 6000 professional voices.
For example,what's use if doctors and businesspersons say same words of ills and crimes WITHOUT GIVING SOLUTIONS AT SOCIAL SENSE BY SOCIAL MIND?How can anyone listen/follow same thing again and again?