Myself & M K Gandhi are fearful at first but not at next.OVERDOSE OF FEAR & CULTURE DON'T WORK AT NEXT.

1).Legal police need IMAGINE at first that 1 cr.public money has been wasted;a moral leader came to an immoral poor person to meet a city businessperson;that businessperson is talking with another businessperson about investing his Rs.1 cr with another's Rs.1 make a critical profit of Rs.1 cr.
2).Socio-legal instructors should IMAGINE that one should not instruct if known;known person should be able to do it.
3).Spiritual healers need IMAGINE at last that spiritual mind by meditation is needed to EARN NAME FOR THEIR SELF;PERSON NAME IS MORAL-LEGAL.
4).Moral leaders need IMAGINE at ultimate that legality is social sense;if any next follower of non-violent indian national congress is threatened/harmed,first congressman must be violent & ferocious at threatening/harming person/s;indian national congress is painstakingly built with theory of truth and non-violence.   
