Prakruthi & purusha always wedded together.
Positive negativity is purusha for the eyes & ears of up-right third person.
Negative positivity is prakruthi for the eyes & ears of up-right third person.
2)Human mind working is better over the best divine mind working.
As human mind wishes to call same divine mind with different names(jesus,allah or iswar).
These different names(jesus,allah or iswar) may or may not be attributed by both human self and divine self for other second person(YOU).
So YOU & DIVINE SELF by becoming different are to be same.
Negative positivity is prakruthi for the eyes & ears of up-right third person.
2)Human mind working is better over the best divine mind working.
As human mind wishes to call same divine mind with different names(jesus,allah or iswar).
These different names(jesus,allah or iswar) may or may not be attributed by both human self and divine self for other second person(YOU).
So YOU & DIVINE SELF by becoming different are to be same.