"kaakara kaaya-keekara kaaya"(telugu)
Academic adminstrators in world schools & colleges need DIVIDE-INCLUDE-REDIVIDE-REINCLUDE class of brilliants and averages(brilliants of brilliants).
System engine works on DIVIDE(suction)-INCLUDE(compression)-REDIVIDE(ignition)-REINCLUDE(exhaustion).
So primary & higher-secondary education needs research by computer systems of input-info-output to make universalise education.
Present education is being personal(vruthi) in being social(pravruthi) for wrong.
It should change into being social(pravruthi) in being personal(vruthi) to inculcate & improve moral social psyche(gunam) among learners.
System engine works on DIVIDE(suction)-INCLUDE(compression)-REDIVIDE(ignition)-REINCLUDE(exhaustion).
So primary & higher-secondary education needs research by computer systems of input-info-output to make universalise education.
Present education is being personal(vruthi) in being social(pravruthi) for wrong.
It should change into being social(pravruthi) in being personal(vruthi) to inculcate & improve moral social psyche(gunam) among learners.