Film narration uses 9 types of english grammar by info-bio.
9 types of english grammar:
1.Direct-indirect speech
2.Active-passive voice
4.Past,present & future tenses
5.Simple,complex & compound sentences
M K Gandhi is pandit in english grammar with belief in heart.
I am deceptive info-bio with belief in voice.
Both form true city/district.
So take life climax as introduction for last moment success in truth forever.
Film script-writing & casting use above 9 types of english grammar in narration.
1.Direct-indirect speech
2.Active-passive voice
4.Past,present & future tenses
5.Simple,complex & compound sentences
M K Gandhi is pandit in english grammar with belief in heart.
I am deceptive info-bio with belief in voice.
Both form true city/district.
So take life climax as introduction for last moment success in truth forever.
Film script-writing & casting use above 9 types of english grammar in narration.