Big must be big.Then only small will be small.
We need grow non-linear systems to arrest social ambiguity.
Rs.1 cr.people money is being wasted as REASON.A moral leader came to a low earner to meet two businessperson crorepathis as LOGIC.Those two businessperson crorepathis are planning to invest Rs.1 cr.each out of their money for profit of Rs.3 CRITICAL.
Above is subject theory.Another moral leader poses a police officer "What is your voice?"
Rs.1 cr.people money is being wasted as REASON.A moral leader came to a low earner to meet two businessperson crorepathis as LOGIC.Those two businessperson crorepathis are planning to invest Rs.1 cr.each out of their money for profit of Rs.3 CRITICAL.
Above is subject theory.Another moral leader poses a police officer "What is your voice?"